Partially Sighted and Visual Acuity

Magnification, the use of high contrast text and alternative background colours may be important to many users with visual impairments. The way content on a web page is laid out with reflow when zoomed, also affects ease of reading. Too much clutter on a page can cause overlapping of elements as well as text. Screen-reading may also be used as scrolling horizontally when text is very large can be very tiring. Further advice from an Envato tutorial on Accessibility Basics: Designing for Visual Impairment.

Top Ten Products

Products that score best in the Relevant Tests for this disability.
Product Last Review Score
Anobii 100%
Gmail 100%
Flickr 96%
Google Scholar 96%
Microsoft OneDrive (was Live SkyDrive) 96%
mynoteIT 96%
Outlook Web App 96%
Yahoo Answers 96%
Blio 3.3 for iPad (iOS 5 and 6) 95%
Amazon 94%